суббота, 24 сентября 2011 г.

can carpeting from odor really remove::Place clean paper towels over the cat urine area and tread on them so as to absorb as much of the urine as possible can carpeting from odor really remove

can carpeting from odor really remove can carpeting from odor really remove::Place clean paper towels over the cat urine area and tread on them so as to absorb as much of the urine as possible.
Repeat with dry towels until no more moisture can be absorbed.
In a darkened room the black light will pick up urine and other stains.
Hand held black lights can be purchased for 2.
Allow it to dry.
You can assist drying by blotting with paper towels as described above.
A fan can also be used to assist drying.
If you own a wet and dry vacuum extractor use that to remove excess moisture.
The acidity of the vinegar will neutralize the ammonia in the cat urine.
Allow it to dry.
Baking soda is a well known deodorizer which absorbs odors.
Sprinkle it on your carpet monthly then vacuum up to keep your carpet smelling fresh all the time.
Never use ammonia or ammoniabased products on the carpet.
One of the ingredients of urine is ammonia and your cat may well be encouraged to reoffend in the same area if it detects the smell of ammonia.
Many household cleaner cleaners contain ammonia so be sure to read the label.
You may have to repeat the above process a few times for heavily soiled areas.
Do you have questions?
Often a cat will inappropriately urinate because of a medical condition.
If you have problems with a cat not using his litter box please get him checked by a vet.
Examination by your vet for lower urinary tract diseases is necessary to rule out medical conditions which could be causing the inappropriate urination problem.
When the cat first urinates it has very little smell but as time goes by and the urine begins to decompose the odor becomes very unpleasant.
Keep cat litter trays in a quiet location.
How would you like to go to the toilet in a busy thoroughfare?
Diabetes in cats can cause increased urination.
Your cat may be suffering from feline stress.
Cats do not like to use the toilet near to where they eat.
Move litter boxes away from feeding areas or where their water is placed.
If your cat pees in your potted plant you can deter them by placing some pine cones on top of the soil.
Commercial cat repellants are also available.
Here are some home remedy tips to try to if you catch your cat urinating on your carpet or floor, gently and quickly move him to the litter tray.
Try to reinforce positive behavior.
Punishment only causes more stress.
can carpeting from odor really remove::The heat will permanently set
the odor and the stain by bonding the protein into any manmade fibers
can carpeting from odor really remove

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