суббота, 24 сентября 2011 г.

flower carpet rose::Stretching for nearly a mile along the side of the road was a blanket of pink, hardy roses flower carpet rose

flower carpet rose flower carpet rose::Stretching for nearly a mile along the side of the road was a blanket of pink, hardy roses.
Full, ruffled blossoms spread along the ground, over stones and hillocks, in among other plants.
It was my first sight of pink flower carpet roses, a new hardy hybrid landscape rose that blooms and flourishes under the most inhospitable conditions.
First introduced in 1995, the flower carpet rose was the product of over 30 years of breeding by german grower noack rosen.
He wanted to create a rose that was easy to care for and grow, disease resistant, pest resistant and hardy.
With the pink flower carpet rose, he achieved all that in a beautiful, three foot tall package that grows with almost no care and blooms continuously throughout the summer.
The flower carpet rose hit the consumer market with a huge splash.
Flower carpet roses will grow in any sunny location.
They need no special care or feeding aside from frequent watering.
Since 1995, when flower carpet roses were introduced, new varieties have been released nearly every year.
Companions: evergreens, lowgrowing bulbs, lavender hedges planting suggestions: containers, hedges, edgings, borders or freestanding pros: low maintenance, easy care, pest resistant, disease resistant, hardy in all us zones if you enjoyed this post, make sure you!
flower carpet rose::These low growing landscape roses bloom and bloom
and bloom, providing brilliant swaths of color from late spring through
fall flower carpet rose

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